Femme Ease, technical specifications
Femme Ease is available in 32-tablet strip packet and is is packed in premises inspected by a regulatory authority to ensure the premises meet the standard grade of hygiene, class one.
Femme Ease is manufactured according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, (HPUS).
Femme Ease is listed with the FDA for over the counter sales in the United States of America. The National Drug Code for Femme Ease is 059672-0432-1 and barcode of 75098004320.
Each 340mg tablet contains five homeopathic remedies effective in countering the effects of pms, menstrual pains and cramps. Each pack contains enough for at least three periods.
ages and can be difficult for a time and then less so. Nervousness, irritability, emotional disturbances, headaches, depression are the main conditions and these can occur for up to ten days pre menstruation. Accumulation of salt and water in the tissues is often associated with the condition.
One tablet of Femme Ease should be taken every two hours during times of feminine stress
Warnings and precautions
Femme Ease can be used by adult women. If a user already suffers from a major medical problem, normal caution should be exercised in daily life. If after using Femme Ease the symptoms of a pms continue, professional help should be sought. Femme Ease does not counter the effects of existing medical disorders.
Femme Ease may be taken with any other medication. Like other homeopathic remedies, Femme Ease is most effective when taken separately from food and drink, but has been specially formulated so that it may if necessary be taken in association with food and/or drink, i.e. coffee.
Adverse effects
With the minute doses involved there is little possibility of adverse effects. There has never been any recorded adverse effect from homeopathic remedies above 12C. All remedies used in Femme Ease are 30C, well above the 12C level.
Should a client take more Femme Ease than recommended, no harmful side effects should be expected, owing to the minute dilutions of active ingredients employed in homeopathic preparations.
X-Rays, coffee, mint and homeopathic products
Some poorly manufactured homeopathic products are harmed by exposure to x-rays, coffee or aromatic products like mint. Femme Ease does not fit into this category. It has been robustly manufactured to ensure that it is effective when exposed to either x-rays or coffee or mint.
Active Ingredients
The six homeopathic remedies listed below are the active ingredients in Femme Ease.
Bryonia, extracted from bryony roots.
- Used to alleviate pain on slightest movement,
- menses too profuse.
Proper Name: Bryonia Alba
Common Names: White bryony, common bryony, wild hops.
Source: Grows in central and southern Europe.
Parts used: Fresh root.
Calcium Carbonica, extracted from oyster shell.
- Used to alleviate pms,
- cutting pains in uterus during menstruation,

Proper Name: Calcium Carbonate.
Common Names: lime.
Source: Found in temperate oceans around the world.
Parts used: The middle part of the shell (mother of pearl).
Gelsemium, extracted from the fresh root.
- Used to alleviate slow and or delayed menses,
- pressure on uterus.

Proper Name: Gelsemium Sempervirens
Common Names: Carolina Jasmine, yellow jasmine, false jasmine.
Source: Native to southern United States.
Parts used: Fresh root.
Pulsatilla, extracted from the fresh plant.
- Used to alleviate most gynecological complaints,
- ailments accompanied by yellow & green discharges.

Proper Name: Pulsatilla Nigricans (Anemone Pratensis
Common Names: Pasqueflower, wind flower, meadow anemone.
Source: Native to regions of Northern Europe.
Parts used: Fresh plant when in flower.
Rhus Toxicodendron, extracted from fresh leaves.
- Used to alleviate stiffness and swelling,
- menses early, profuse and prolonged.

Proper Name: Rhus Toxicodendron Radicans
Common Names: Poison ivy, poison oak.
Source: Grows throughout Canada and United States.
Parts used: Fresh leaves.
Sepia, extracted from the ink of a cuttlefish.
- Used to alleviate gynecological complaints,
- especially those related to hormonal imbalances.

Proper Name: Sepia Officinalis
Common Names: cuttlefish.
Source: Found mainly in the Mediterranean sea.
Parts used: Pure pigments in the ink.
Inactive Ingredients
The three substances listed below are the inactive ingredients in Femme Ease.
Sorbitol, is a tabletting agent.
GRAS, generally recognisedas safe. Used in every day items like biscuits and jams and especially diabetic jams. Tastes like sugar.
Magnesium stearate - E470b - is a separating agent.
GRAS, generally recognised as safe. Used frequently in tablets. No distinctive taste. The source of the Magnesium Stearate is vegetable, not animal.
Sterilized talc - E553b - is a lubricating agent.
GRAS, generally recognised as safe. Used frequently in tablets. No distinctive taste.
Femme Ease does not contain any of the following substances
Artificial colourings
Artificial flavourings
Dairy Products
Any ingredient known to cause allergies
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